
Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Oklahoma

The death of a loved one caused by the negligence or actions of another only party further compounds the trauma and grief to be endured, but civil litigation through a wrongful death lawsuit can sometimes offer a sense of solace and justice while also mitigating the lasting financial impact of the loss. Here’s what you need to know.

Criminal Attorneys in Oklahoma

The Truth on Self-Defense Laws in Oklahoma

Self-defense laws in Oklahoma have certainly evolved over time and now provide protections for justified lethal force in a number of situations. To better grasp self-defense laws in Oklahoma, one must understand the Castle Doctrine, Make My Day Doctrine, and Stand Your Ground Doctrine—and where things stand today.

Here’s what you need to know about each.

Drug Offense Charge in Oklahoma - Criminal Defense Attorneys

Facing a Drug Offense in Oklahoma? Here’s What to Know.

Despite some much-needed changes via criminal justice reform legislation and ballot initiatives in recent years, our state is still among the strictest in the nation when it comes to prosecuting drug charges. If you’ve been charged with a drug offense in Oklahoma, it’s imperative to know what you’re up against.